Monday, June 18, 2018

Why do I Have Stretch Marks?

Around 70% of pregnant women develop stretch marks and in large numbers, both men and women will be affected by stretch mark scarring at some point in their lives. These other groups include teenagers and adolescents experiencing growth spurts, weightlifters bodybuilders and anyone experiencing rapid growth weight gain or weight loss.
Stretch marks can occur anywhere but most commonly appear on the buttocks, breasts, and stomach.

What Causes Stretch Marks

Weight gain or bulking, regular weight gain is usually not enough to cause marks, however, when the weight gain happens too fast and the skin does not have the time to stretch and will, therefore, create stretch marks this also happens when a person does weightlifting the muscles get pulled with the lifting motion and the constant stretching and expansion puts pressure on the skin and connective tissue resulting in tears and rips and separation.

Pregnancy will stretch the midsection of a woman's body and because the enlargement happens at a relatively fast pace and tearing occurs especially in the third trimester.

They will not be as noticeable during the pregnancy but once the child is born and the skin starts going back into place the marks will be more obvious.

Muscle gain people who adopt a high protein diet and heavy training routines to grow muscles can experience dermis ruptures that lead to stretch marks. In these cases, the ruptures can be noticed in the areas where the muscles have expanded rapidly not allowing the skin to extend naturally.

Loss of collagen and elastin causes the deeper layers of the skin to separate and combined with overstretching and tearing, scarring will occur after nevertheless, we can reduce their appearance that's been clinically proven.

Inherited genes can be another cause, even diet plans can be some of the causes with regards to stretch marks among teenagers however generally fast body modifications are accelerating. So let's get back to the question of what causes these marks two words, collagen, and elastin, collagen is a group of steroid hormones called glucocorticoids or GCS, that's actually what causes stretch marks the GCS act on the fibroblasts and prevent them from doing their job.

GCS are not all bad we need them for many things they are responsible for regulating inflammation maintaining blood glucose levels and breaking down the fat in adipose tissues among other things.

GC levels are naturally higher during pregnancy in puberty there isn't anything we can do about that excessively high or unhealthy levels do not occur naturally but taking synthetic
GCSE steroids can and does cause health problems in the case of some bodybuilders and athletes.

Steroid use might be what causes stretch marks other side effects of steroid use include acne and psychosis that's what causes stretch marks even though we can't do anything about GCS we can do something to stimulate the production of elastic fibers which should prevent them.

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