Monday, June 18, 2018

Want your website to be ranked higher? Consider these 12 successful SEO tips.

There won’t be a person related to IT who doesn’t know the importance of Search engine optimization in the current times. Modern times demand that you stay updated with all the tips and trends of SEO and implement them if you want to compete in this ever competitive world. 

Below are some of the extremely useful and beneficial SEO ranking tips that can surely allow you to soar above your market competitors and gain that extra edge that can give you the much deserved and desired leverage.


There is no doubt that content is the king so, it’s becomes necessary to treat the king the way it deserves. Content demands a few requirements which are that it should be relevant to the website of the product/service that you deal in. It should be high in quality so that only the readers find it luring but it also pleases the search engine. 

Recently it has been found out that content that ranges between 2,000 – 2,500 words, ranks the highest in the SERPs. Another important thing to notice here is that the content needs to be informative and intended for the target audience. 


If you are looking to improve the user experience of the website and make the search engines happy then you need a sensible formatting of the content. Good formatting enables the readers to spend more time on your website and also assures that they will come back for more quality and visually pleasing content.
Using of headers and sub headers allows you to break the content into readable and appealing sections for the readers which means easy readability, more time spent on the site and ultimately higher rankings.

Page loading:-

The ideal time for a web page to open is 2.5 to 3 seconds. Any page that is taking more than 3 seconds is creating problems not only for the user but also for the website. This is a fast world, people are in a hurry and want every page to be loaded in minimum time. No one is going to wait for your pages to load in 5 or 6 seconds and they are definitely going on to another website.
Enable super-fast loading of your web pages. Compress them by using compressed images and media etc. two of the biggest search engines, Google and Bing take into account the page loading speed in their website ranking algorithm. So if you want to rank high make sure that your site takes less time as compared to your competitor.

Outbound links:-

Talking from SEO point of view, outbound links can be way more beneficial as you think. External linking means the outbound linking of your site to other authoritative sites to give more information to the readers. Linking your site to other well reputed sites having authority is definitely going to enhance the relevancy of the content on your site and also readers will spend more time on your site.
Not only this, outbound linking is known to send trust signals to Google and are considered to be extremely necessary for SEO.

Media optimization:-

Nowadays websites aren’t just confined to images only, now gifs and videos are also making their ways into websites and are considered important to entice the visitor. In addition to the format and size of these images and Gifs, there are some other ways that prove the importance of media on the SEO front. 

Images, Gifs and videos can be used to indicate the relevancy of the content to search engines. By the usage of keywords as the file name of the media, alt tag, title, description and caption rankings can be improved.

Multimedia usage:-

Usage of multimedia in your site is pretty much rewarding. Images, slideshows, Gifs, videos etc. enrich your site and also makes the information much more attractive for the visitors resulting in ideal user experience. Video marketing has now become an integral part in enhancing user engagement and converting visitors into buyers.
According to a latest finding those websites that use videos have a higher conversion rate of 4.8% as compared to 2.9% for those websites that didn’t feel the need to use videos on their websites. The image below will give you a more vivid idea about why multimedia usage has become a necessity. 

Broken links or 404s:-

The worst thing that can happen to your website and that pushes the loyal visitors away is the broken links issue. People just hate it when they experience a broken link and the search engines consider the 404 error as a sign of old, neglected and ill managed site.
This not only has a bad impact on the SEO of the site but also the visitors will make a negative image of the site and are never going to visit the same site again.


Sites that do not have mobile responsive designs are surely going to lag behind the others in the current times and the time to come. Since April 2015, Google is penalizing those sites that aren’t mobile optimized. Google is pushing them down in the search results and ranking those sites that are properly mobile optimized and cater to a large percentage of public.

Readability factor:-

If you want to make your website a success make sure that the content on it is easy to read and grasp for the reader. Not only this, well researched and formatted content proves to be useful for them in solving a certain problem or giving them a facility. According to a number of experts, Google and Bing mark the readability factor as important, when ranking websites.

Contact us:-

Allow all users to reach you easily and through different mediums like phone number, email and give them the links to follow you on different social media platforms. If possible an instant chat box should be available to the visitors and an operator should be active 24/7 that answers all the queries of the visitors and provides them ample information about the project/product/service or anything related to the website. 

Those websites are considered as trustworthy which provide sufficient contact information to the visitors. These sites also rank higher than others.

Navigation and architecture:-

A site having a flat architecture makes it a lot easier to search the content. This feature also enables the site to rank higher as it provides the links of all critical pages which makes the search engine bots to crawl the complete site.
An easy navigation allows convenience to the visitors which translates onto the search engine allowing the SEO ranking of the site to rise. People should be given such a navigation from where they can land directly onto any page of their choice.

Social sharing:-

Social media is more than what it used to be in the last decade or so. Now it has become an integral tool in raising the SEO status of any site. Whichever site has more Facebook shares, Tweets, Pinterest Pins, Instagram posts and social media posts and people talking about it on different forums is surely going to surge above all in the SEO rankings.

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