Monday, June 18, 2018

11 On-Page SEO Techniques That Help to Optimise Your Site

 As you know SEO help to bring more organic visitors to site and help to target customers. There are two type of SEO we called them is one On-Page SEO and the another Off-Page SEO both are important for increase you ranking in search engine but today I am going to talk about On-page SEO.

What is On-Page SEO?

Now you guys thinking what is on page SEO even some guys already knows about is but who don’t know then on-page SEO that help to optimise our site and make search friendly in Google. 
It is a SEO method we use to optimise our web pages to get searched in search engines like Google, big and Yahoo etc.
on-page SEO techniques, on-page SEO optimisation, actionable tips of on-opage seo
The best thing of on-page SEO is we can control over it and change them according to our needs. In simple words on page means optimise your
 Optimize Title Tags for CTR
Include keywords in Description
• Super Short URL
Internal linking
Longer content
Use LSI keywords
Maintain Keywords density and etc.

Why on-page SEO is important?

Let think, how search engines know what is your post about?
Any idea
When you don’t add keywords in title of your post, don’t add keywords in sub heading and post description then search engine not able to understand what is exactly is your post about.
So, that’s why we did on-page SEO of your site and it is very important to optimise our post and  pages to get searched and as well get better ranking is Google because most of searched happen by Google.
Google looks for more than 200 factors to rank any site and these day’s it’s very hard to get on the top of the Google search because it’s always shows best to the their user and Google upgraded to his new version called hummingbird its mean Google getting harder day to day to rank any web pages.
So, on-page SEO help your site to better understand by Google to shows your post in search results.

Follow the below given techniques to do On-Page SEO of your site. 

1. Super Short URL
Posts URL are one of the most important factors of SEO. A superb short URL Do better in SEO than a longer One.
You always keep in mind that try to make your posts URL Shorter and include main keywords of post. These changes help to you post rank higher in search results.

Neil Patel, he is worlds on of the top digital marketer also said that a short URL is good for your web pages. How can you do this?
For example: I have a post on 8 Best Affiliate Programs to Join in 2018
then my post URL is like this
Not like this below
This small change made you blog post more SEO friendly.
2. Include Targeted Keywords in URL
You know that we always add our post main keywords in post headline to optimise your SEO but so many people’s forgot to add post main targeted keywords within the post URL.
Search engine not only look the headline of the post also look the URL of the post. A proper optimised post URL helps your web pages to shows in search results.
You only need to do edit your permalink of you post and add main keywords of your post as URL.
3. LSI Keywords                               
Do You Know what are the LSI keywords?
LSI keywords are those keywords which are show below the Google search it's also called related search by Google search engine.
You can see the image below

on-page seo optimisation, how to optimise on page seo

It shows different search type of a specific keyword.
LSI keywords are the most important ranking factor of on Page SEO because when you add more LSI keywords with in the post you get searched in Google for different LSI keywords.
You just have to write a better content with the LSI keywords.

Brian Dean from is also covered this topics and said we have to use more LSI keywords more in article.

Now the question is how you get more LSI keywords idea?
You can search on the Google like below shown. When you write in Google search for any keywords then it’s automatically suggest some keywords so these are also LSI keywords you can add them in your post and heading.
You can also search on different search engine to find more LSI keywords because everybody knows about Google keywords then search on Bing, Yahoo, YouTube and other keywords research tools to find more unique keywords for you posts.
4. Longer Content
whenever we heard about longer and in-depth content.
 What is actually means it?
A longer content is a post which is more detailed and informative because when you write a informative post it will be automatically become a longer and in-depth article. 

Why we need to write a super long post?
Whenever you search online for anything you could see there are top 10 results they are written in depth more than 2000 thousand words because Google and other search engines like long detailed post to rank higher in search engine.

on page seo

There is also a one advantage of long post is that when you write a more then 2000 - 3000 words post article. What happened unfortunately you add more LSI keywords with in your post that help you to get searched for different type of search for specific keywords.

for example if your post have these keywords like "build high quality backlinks" and "generate backlinks" what happened, you get searched for both keywords.
5. Optimize Title Tags for CTR
Optimize title tag means create a blog post headline catchier and engage.
You can read my post to optimise title of your blog post. It is very important to make your post title tag more interesting because a better post title help to increase you CTR and increase you’re ranking in Google.
For example if your one post on the rank 3 and peoples click and read your post more than ranked 1 post what happened Google will rank your post on number 1 because of your CTR, so always write a title tag that attract peoples.
6. Do Keywords Research
Keywords research is one of the most important parts of on-page SEO. Most of peoples never do keyword research and made a big mistake.
It is really important to do some keyword research to find out most profitable and long tail keywords for you post with the help of keyword research you will get new keywords idea and also know the keyword competitions so you can take the low competition keywords to write a post on it because low competition keywords rank higher is search easily then high competition keywords.
You can use Google Keyword Planner tool it’s a part of Google Ad word. Google designed this platform to find keywords and it is fee to use.
on page seo guide
Here you will get new keywords idea, long tail keywords ideas and know the competition of keyword and after doing keyword research you can add that keyword to your post title, description and within your blog post to do better on-page SEO.
7. Internal Linking
Internal links are also important like external links. Internal links means link your every post with your old posts which help your site to increase your rank and optimise your on-page SEO. 

How you can do it?
It’s very easy to link your blog post internally. You just have to add your important and ranked posts to link with your new post.
You can do internal linking of your blog post shown like below in image.

how to do on-page seo of your site, tip to optimise on page seo

Internal linking also help to engage you readers at your site and increase your page views too because readers have always something new to read when will you link your post internally.
8. Use Images
Images are also play an important role in ranking factor. Images are good thing for a blog post because “an image says thousand words" when you have good number of images within your post, its engaged to the readers and give knowledge too.

There are most important thing is Google rank only which sites these images are optimized. Its means your blog images must have alt tags and title tags which help to search engine to know what is image about.
Search engine can't read images they take help of alt tag and title to read images, so you must have optimise your blog images for better on page SEO.
9. Include keywords in Description
so many people's ignore to add the post description. They think it is not important for SEO, but they wrong.
You must have to add your main targeted keywords within your post description as a title tag because search engines also look for post description.
when you search something on Google. You will see the your searched keywords were highlighted at the post description below the post title.

on page seo tip

It is also important for the increase CTR and clicks. You just have to write an emotional post description which people's like and click on your post and read up to last. It’s help you to make you on-page SEO more better that help you to rank in Google.

10. Maintain Keyword Density
Main keywords are of your blog post is important but that no means add keywords randomly everywhere within blog post.

Your keywords density must be not more than 2% of your blog post.
Like if you have a 2000 words post then you your main keywords not more than 20 words.
Maintaining of keywords density is better for on page SEO.
11. Maximize Site Speed
Speed up your site is most important thing of SEO because everybody loves fast loading website to browse even Google rank higher those sites that load faster.
When your site pages load slowly what happened, nobody going to use your site and leave it and your site rank will stuck.
There is some way to test you site speed open you sites in mobile devices because 50% of search happen from phones, check your site loading faster or not in phones.
You can also check you site speed online with the help of Google PageSpeed Insights tool that shows your site speed both desktop and mobile.
oprimise on page seo
Now you think how to increase your site speed?
So there are some ways to maximize you site speed. You should take a simple and fast downloading template for you site and use minimum plugins because site loading speed depends on site theme a heavy site theme and lots of plug in can make you site speed slower.
You should take a best hosting for you site because that help your site to load faster than a cheap hosting so, don’t think about money if you want to earn money from your site then always choice best hosting.
Now this is the final step to increase you site speed images are play important role in posts but a big size image can bring down of your site speed so, always compress your image before upload to you size that decrease the size of the image and when you upload image after compress it help to increase your on-page SEO.
You can compress you image online from the help of site.
On-page SEO is one of the most important element for better ranking in search engine. We can control over the on-page SEO and optimised them to rank higher in Google.
You can follow the above tips to optimise your on-page SEO for your site. I personally used these methods to optimise my on-page SEO of my Blog.
Thank you for reading the post, if you have any question and suggestion. Let me know in the comment section. 

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