Monday, June 18, 2018

The 5 Most Important Tips Every SEO Newbie Need To Know

SEO Tips For Newbie Image
Search Engines like Google symbolize time itself, they stand still for no one. For instance, for the last 18 years, Google has made so many changes in its algorithm, that one has to be up to date to survive in the race to the first page of Google and other search engines. So, what are the legitimate SEO techniques online marketers use to stick to their position in search engines? Do they change the rule of the game with the changes in the algorithm or stay somewhere in the middle? Following are the 5 most important things about search engine optimization that a newbie should know.

Create Quality and Unique Content

Since the updated Google algorithm reprimands low-quality content, content marketing has become a jargon among the online marketers. It's not just the audience searching for quality content; even the search engines prioritize quality content. So create good quality content that will connect you to the audience.

Use the Keywords Wisely

Always remember one thing: you are creating content for people, not for the search engines. Yes, of course, keywords help a content to appear in search results, driving more and more audience to your website or blog. But, it would not be a good decision to rely on keyword optimization only. Too much use of specific words and phrases may lower your search engine ranking and traffic.

Add Internal and Inbound Links

You can put relevant links on every page of your blog or website that will lead the readers to the other sections of the site. Besides using internal links, you can add links to the other websites, offering almost same information. The more inbound links your website have, the more attention you can grab from the search engine. If you feel lost, can't understand how to build quality backlinks, you may get cool SEO tips at Search Engine Mogul.

Don’t Ever Think of the Black Hat SEO

There is one thing that remains of the same importance in SEO: the trust of the search engine on you. Only when the search engine will think that your website is genuine, it will attribute you with fair ranking in the search results. Black Hat strategy mainly focuses on the algorithm of the search engine with the intention of manipulating it. So, forget the Black Hat SEO, forever.

Improve the Website Speed

There was a time when websites took so much time to open and the users did wait for the loading time. But now if your website takes a long time to load, you will lose the audience, for sure. The faster your blog or website loads the more visitors you will get. Website speed is crucial for both the audience and search engine ranking. So concentrate on how to improve your website loading speed.
If you create quality content, use the keywords wisely, especially the long-tail ones, and successfully get ample amount of links, then coming up on the first page of the search engine is not a hard nut to crack. So, be confident with your SEO tactics and give your business a tremendous boost.

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