Monday, June 18, 2018

How To Get More Traffic To Your Website

First welcome to this an awesome article how to get more traffic to your website. Every blog creator or website owner want to increase his traffic, but how?. Here I will describe my personal methods to get more views on my website.  There are many ways to increase website traffic, If you want to know, read this article care fully.

1. Quality Content.

Content quality is one of most power thing that will help you to increase your blog visitors. A good quality content always attract the audience as well as search engines. Good quality content means your message properly received by your visitors. There are some qualities of good content.  Your tenses should be complete. You should describe everything about you post topic. You Must take feedback  to your audience. Now we talk about poor quality content. It can lead your website traffic down. People not like your post, they will never wish again to visit your website, So be careful in writing your post. You can ask your friend to write your post.

2. Update Your Blog

It means write a post on your blog daily. It is a awesome way to increase blog traffic. updating a blog is key to success. People want to gain something new from you every day. Updating of blog require lots of time, If you can't do this daily, You can post a new article within 2 to 3 days and it never exceeds from a week.

3. Reach To The Targeted  Audience. 

Big flaws of your low website traffic is that your post will never reach to the right people. You generally create a Facebook page. Your friends see your photos and like your page, they have taste in your post because they like you not your content and this is same on other social media website. How to drive traffic to your website. Create a new Facebook id and then share your post on it. When people reach to it and they like it, then they will join you on social media. They will be the real visitor for your website. You can also join groups on Facebook and other social websites and post there you will get awesome traffic on your blog or website.

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4.Effective Post Title.
Post title is spine of your article. The most important thing in your post, is the title of your post. 40 % people inspire with post title, it should be like that, people must want to visit your website.  Second thing that most matter is your post image. 60% of audience will inspire with thumb nail of your post. You can make your title more effective with keyword research. Once you decide your targeted keywords then arrange them and properly use it your articles, if you are making video then follow below link to rank your video in YouTube search engine.

5. Effective Post Banners.

Effective post image in one of the best way to get more traffic to your website. Your post banner should be attractive for audience. Once you share your post, it will provoke the people to visit your website, as I describe above the importance of post image in effective post title. You can easily drive traffic to your website, if you have good ability to use both title and image of your post.

6. Create Backlinks.

When a website link links to another website, this is called backlink. It is a fastest way to increase you website traffic. It will help you in growing your website fast. It will help you to get higher rank in google and other search engines. Do you know how to create backlinks, if not click on the blew link.
All the above methods are totally free. Now we talk about some paid methods.

Facebook Advertisement.

Facebook advertisement automatically promote your post article to right people. This is paid method in which you have to pay some money to the Facebook and they promote your website to the right people.

Google Advertisement.

Google advertisement automatically promote your post article to right people. It is same like Facebook advertisement. This is paid method in which you have to pay some money to the Google and they promote your website to the right people.  Normally, you to set your daily budget with a specific keyword, When someone searches that keyword google show your website in the result on the top pages.
Hope you will like this post. Do you have still any question in your mind ?, feel free to ask. Comment and tell us about this post, is it helpful you or not. Do not forgot to like and share this post. 

1 comment:

  1. I am happy to find your distinguished way of writing the post. Now you make it easy for me to understand and implement the concept. Thank you for the post. How To Get Traffic To My Website Or Blog
