Monday, June 18, 2018

How To Get More Traffic To Your Website in 2018

Another year has gone by, and you yet you are struggling to drive traffic to your website. So, if you are thinking of revamping your website, here are 3 smart ways to get more traffic to your website in 2018:

1. Be Consistent and Don't Give Up

Consistency is the key to success.
The above image comes from Everywhereist's analytics. Geraldine (Owner of the Blog) could have given up long back, 18 months ago, but after all, she was spending a lot of time in a day in writing and editing content, visiting other websites, guest blogging for others, trying and growing her Twitter followers, coming up with different topics to write and a lot more. And then, after two years of consistent hard-work, and posting more than 500 posts, things finally started going. 

I suppose then there are hundreds of new bloggers on the internet who all have the opportunity like Geraldine had, but only after months of toiling, they give up.

Getting traffic is not any rocket science, but it does take time, a lot of hard-work and consistency. Never give up, keep trying everyday and one day, your website will take-off just like Geraldine's did. 

2. Write Quality Content

Good Content is what sets your website apart from the masses. Content is the most important aspect of your website. Design, Videos, Visuals and all other components of the website just enhance the website and provide a secondary role. 

Quality content is what people are always looking for, and so are search-engines. Therefore, publishing good content will always help you rank your website higher in the search engines, which ultimately will drive more and more traffic to your website. 

3. Promote your content using Social Media

You have spent hours of time on researching, analyzing, writing and editing to finally create some killer content, but even after that much of hard-work, the traffic you get to your website is pretty low then what you expect. Why is that so? 

Because, you forgot to promote your content. You need to spend equal amount of time promoting your content as you spent writing it. Where better it is to promote your content than where we spend about 25% of our online time: social media.

There are about more then 2 billion active monthly active users on Facebook, while 800 million on Instagram and 330 million on Twitter. If you use your social media handles to promote your content properly, you for sure will get ample amount of views on your site.

Good Luck to you driving traffic to your website using these 3 very simple, but effective tips!

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